Sunday, November 20, 2011

Public Goods and Philanthropy

This article from the Charlottesville NBC is very striking. In the spirit of occupy Wall Street, Occupy Charlottesville has become a very serious social movement. With growing support in this local protest against corporate greed, Occupy Charlottesville has taken a longer term position in Leigh Park in downtown Charlottesville. The protestors who are staying in tents in the park have sparked some ideas about the possibility of letting homeless people make a more permanent residence in tents in any of Charlottesville’s public parks, even when there isn’t a protest happening.

The proposal would give some of the homeless people the opportunity to have a consistent place to sleep, but not everyone is on board. Though there seems to be a decent amount of support from Charlottesville residents, including some of the homeless population, the city doesn’t seem to be very in favor of the bill. Personally, I am confident that this idea, though maybe great at heart, will not pass. Though something similar happened during the great depression, the problem comes down to a public good issue. As soon as public parks allow people to make camp there, the park becomes an incredible “rival” good.

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