Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Republicans against Republicans

Trying to write this on the plane home to LA

We talked about donations to special groups called PACs today.  In my research I found the most funded Super Pac, Restore our Future, and their funding revealed something very interesting.

When we spoke in class we usually focused on a specific candidate receiving a benefit from a PAC because of their views and probability of winning.  We primarily focused on the political views of the candidate prompting a favorable donation to that candidate.  However, in the Restore our Future Super PAC we can see that they used funds against not only Obama, but Newt and Rick.

Gingrich, NewtRPresident$18,730,747$0$18,730,747
Obama, BarackDPresident$88,572,353$0$88,572,353
Romney, MittRPresident$14,090,870$14,090,870$0
Santorum, RickRPresident$21,261,248$0$21,261,248

Very surprising to see that even though these two candidates were also republicans, that the super pac used funds against them.  Perhaps the probability of winning trumps the political views in the utility function for PACs.

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