Sunday, November 12, 2023

Shirking in SNL

         This week on Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update segment, they featured one of the cast members as a “guest” titled “Your Co-Worker Who Is Extremely Busy Doing Seemingly Nothing.” The character was one that was dressed professionally, carrying all a sticky-note-covered laptop, pages and pages of loose paper, three cell phones and a giant water bottle that just kept talking about how busy she was with work and how important her job was, despite the fact that she could never really say what she did and all of 900 emails were from 

As Colin Jost was interviewing her, I realized that her character was a great example of a shirker. She “worked and worked and worked” but actually just wasted everyone’s time and money by getting literally nothing done. Whoever her boss was could possibly implement some ways to get her off of and actually working, like maybe setting up firewalls on her work computer and phones so that she could only access work-related sites, or tie her pay to objective metrics or tasks that she accomplishes, or just sit next to her and make sure she’s working. Let's just hope this co-worker never decides to run for Congress, because she would shirk constantly and truly demonstrate the Principal Agent Problem.

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