The other day I came across a very clever ad that well exemplifies social pressure as a cause for people practicing the irrational behavior of voting. Please the 10-second video add a watch here.
This ad is powerful because it plays on human tribalistic tendencies of group association by creating two distinct groups: those who vote and thus care about the neighborhood and Larry who doesn't vote and thus does not care about the neighborhood. Larry is treated as an outcast being viewed with disdain for not performing the 'good group' behavior of voting. Furthermore when Larry attempts to defend himself by saying "but" he is cut off to neighborhood members judgementally shaking their heads at Larry
Larry could very well be practicing rational ignorance and not voting because voting is not a utility-maximizing activity to Larry. Larry could have trust that the collective will make a moderate choice due to the rational voter theorem. However, Larry may end up being pressured into voting as a result of ostracization from his neighbors and not because Larry truly finds value in the act of voting.