I recently have been second guessing my decision to work as a server at Bizou. While the food is very good, and I enjoy waitressing (to an extent), my problem recently has been the tips. While any server knows that a decent payout is not guaranteed at the end of the night, I have become really frustrated recently with my paychecks. I think I know the problem: at Bizou we pool tips.
When I first applied for Bizou, I had no restaurant experience and no idea if I would be any good at serving. Under a true Rawlsian veil of ignorance, I thought tip pooling was the right move. What if my section just wasn't busy that night? What if I didn't get any big tables? What if I got a real mean group of Virginia Tech fans who would refuse to tip me? Tip pooling was a wonderful solution of perfect redistribution. Until it wasn't. As I got more experience, I realized I was consistently making less money than I pulled for the group. This perfect redistribution ignores that my marginal utility per dollar seems more than some of my coworkers. Where I would happily take a big table for a better tip, I know that some of them would derive just as much utility taking a stress free two top. So if anyone knows a restaurant that doesn't pool tips, text me. I'll be their star server.