Saturday, October 27, 2012

Obama, Romney reverse rolls as election looms

Obama, Romney reverse rolls as election looms

As November 6 draws near, both President Obama and Gov. Romney are exploiting all available resources to put up a final fight. Notwithstanding the increasingly "caustic" attacks on both candidates, Gov. Romney made an interesting twist to his standard speech

"Romney has co-opted Obama's campaign theme of 2008 by declaring himself the candidate of change in contrast to the status quo of what he called four more years of failed policies under the president."

Perhaps this is Gov. Romney's attempt to evoke voters enthusiasm towards voting, as did President Obama four years ago. If voting were as easy as arithmetic, then no one would vote because a simple cost-benefit analysis will tell us that voting is simply not worth it. Therefore, at this point, both candidates started to devote more energy and resources to convincing their supporters to come out and vote, rather than winning over those who are indecisive. 

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