Wednesday, October 16, 2019

UVA Sports: Logrolling for Attendance

This morning, one of our coaches sent an email stating that our team is required to attend the volleyball game this upcoming Sunday, October 20th. In return of the wrestling teams attendance at the volleyball game, the volleyball team will attend our home matches. At first, I was a little upset because the volleyball game is at 1 pm (right when NFL games start for the day) and I love lounging on my couch, watching NFL Redzone on Sundays. With my attendance of the volleyball game, I will not be able to take part in my regular Sunday routine, which will bring down my overall utility levels.

Now I am currently sitting at Shenandoah Joes with my good friend Jack and he just brought up how he wants to do a blog post about bagels or something, but that is when it hit me. Our coaches and the volleyball coaches have decided to enter into a logrolling agreement for attendance. While I can hope that both coaching staffs calculated the social marginal costs and social marginal benefits before making the trade, they probably did not. So I will do it on my own:

Social Net Benefit
Wrestling team attends volleyball game
Volleyball team attends wrestling match

As you can see, the Social Net Benefit is well above the costs of attending each others matches, making both of these UVA sports teams better off than if there was no logrolling. Go hoos.

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