All this talk about voting got me thinking, what would my anarchist friend Noah have to say about this? So I asked him, and I pulled the following valuable insights.
Noah doesn't want anybody in office at all. He thinks the whole government is pointless. For him to vote would be consenting to be governed by one of the two choices that were forced upon him by the powers that be. Contrary to "if you don't vote, you can't complain" (which is already a faulty argument), Noah says, "if you vote, you can't complain either."
Noah's D and B in the PxB+D-C equation are negative. To vote would be hypocritical, counterintuitive, and a waste of time. Noah doesn't vote "because he doesn't want to." What separates him from so many others is that he just doesn't care what people think about him, in his own words, he is "shwoke." He has no civic duty, no moral responsibility to vote, and clearly doesn't succumb to social pressure or else he wouldn't be an anarchist. Interestingly, Noah still has preferences over who's in office, preferring a Libertarian candidate over a Democratic one. However, even in this case, he still would not vote because he doesn't believe in the office itself.
A lot of Noah's ideas don't make too much sense to me when it comes to voting. Maybe he's not all that rational, then again maybe I'm not either, and maybe neither are you. So go ahead Noah, down with the man! Become ungovernable.
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