Thursday, November 18, 2021

Senior Bureaucrat Professor Coppock

I’m feeling oddly sentimental writing this final post, almost like I didn’t spend every week stress procrastinating them. Yes, it is possible to be super stressed about something yet still refuse to start it... I guess you know what they say about seeing the past in rose coloured glasses. 

Since Professor Coppock said he was a bureaucrat, the idea of the Public Choice Agency has stuck in my head. Let’s suspend reality. Do Profesor Coppock and the Public Choice blog post-producing agency hold up to the Traditional Model of Bureaucracy? Let’s assume blog posts are the agency’s output. Is the output hard to measure? How many are too many? How do we know the work is all of good quality. Even though Professor Coppock knows the measure of the output quality (four points hopefully, five if we are lucky), would others who are not a part of the agency know? How would one differentiate between a 3 and a 4 or even harder when it would be awarded a five? Is this class a monopoly supplier? Although I’m sure there’s another public choice class somewhere in the country making blog posts about issues, there is not another UVA public choice class writing them currently. Obviously, no other school compares to our economic prowess, so I would say we are a monopoly supplier on blog posts. Apart from Professor Coppock, there is no other alternative source on whether these posts are good or not *cue Professor Coppock screaming, “you can’t handle the truth.” Since these two assumptions regarding the monitoring problem hold up, I’m starting to believe that we just might be an agency. Let’s see, are we overproducing blog posts at a level that is not optimal in order to maximize? Of course not. Who wouldn’t want 150 so posts on public choice topics to read... Guess we aren’t an agency after all. 

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