Friday, November 08, 2013

Christmas is Coming Early For Venezuela This Year

            This week the Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro declared the official arrival of “early Christmas.” As this article explains, Venezuelan early Christmas means all workers will receive two-thirds of their holiday bonuses this week, nearly two months before the 25th of December.
            While participating in a variety of holiday traditions this week, Madura said “Merry Christmas 2013, Christmas early, early victory, early happiness for the whole family," leading many to believe his recent actions are nothing more than a tactic to gain votes in the upcoming December 8th elections. While early Christmas and bonuses may be appealing to many Venezuelans, Maduro’s Christmas movement says nothing of his position or policy plans for the future and is therefore not informative campaigning. Aside from having nothing to do with Madero’s actual political beliefs, the new Christmas policy benefits every one of his constituents in an effort to bring all voters closer to his platform without driving any farther away.
            Maduro’s tactic is an example of persuasive campaigning because the new Christmas policies are nothing more than an attempt to gain votes.  His unconventional new holiday policy is targeting every single Venezuelan regardless of their political beliefs and is aimed at “persuading” voters of all kinds to support Madero in the upcoming election. 

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