Sunday, November 04, 2012

Early Voting in the District

Earlier this semester we discussed the extremely minimal economic value of voting. However, it seems that the masses still haven't gotten the message. The Washington Post reports of voters who have not only voted, but have voted early, and have waited in massive lines to do so.

"Most said the 45- to 60-minute wait was worth it. 'I work for a Brazilian company and I have to be in New York Tuesday,' said Martha Devito as she left the polls. 'My vote counts. I can wait for an hour.'"
Well, I hate to break it to you Martha Devito, but your vote, in all probability, will not count. In fact, unless the value of your time is practically negative, you will have lost money.
As Johnson pointed out, despite voting being the cornerstone of democracy, it is in fact rational to abstain. Making Martha, and the other 430,000 voters in Maryland, and 52,000 in DC who voted early entirely irrational. 

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